You can view the list of raters who you nominated on the final page of your report and on the Manage Raters page on your StrengthsPortal account. For anonymity and confidentiality reasons, the nominees who provided feedback are not named on this list.
To see a list of your Raters on your StrengthsPortal account
(This function is available until your Rater deadline)
Sign in to your StrengthsPortal account
You will be taken to a page where you can add more raters if you wish or see a list of existing raters
Check how many Raters have completed the feedback and send reminders
To see the number of completed Raters, from your StrengthsPortal homepage, click on MANAGE RATERS.
On the inviting rater feedback section, you will be able to see how many raters have completed. Here, you can also SEND REMINDERS TO OUTSTANDING RATERS if you wish.