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How to submit feedback for a leader report

This video explains what to expect when you are nominated by your colleague to provide leader feedback

Updated over a week ago

You can find a transcript of the video below:

Here’s what you need to know to submit StrengthscopeLeader™ feedback.

Strengths are the underlying qualities that energize us and that we are great at.

Strengthscope® helps people discover their significant 7 strengths from a possible 24 to unleash their energy into work and everyday life.

StrengthscopeLeader™ provides leaders with valuable feedback to reveal leadership authenticity and drive performance by maximizing strengths and leader habits.

How to submit StrengthscopeLeader™ rater feedback

Once you have been nominated to give feedback, you’ll receive a Strengthscope® feedback invitation email. The feedback will take you around 10 to 15 minutes to complete and it’s easy to do!

Click on the link in the email which takes you to the feedback questionnaire.

There is a closing date for feedback submissions. Please check the deadline date stated on your email.

You’ll first land on the StrengthscopeLeader™ feedback introductory page. If you are a nominated peer or direct report, your feedback will be anonymous.

Your ratings will be combined with other raters on the report and the raters’ written feedback will be listed in random order without a name.

When you’re ready use the ‘Next’ button to proceed to the questions.

Rating strengths

You’ll be asked to rate how often your leader demonstrates each of their significant 7 strengths and the effective use of these strengths.

The definition for each strength is provided in the box to guide you. Click on the appropriate response.

You’ll then be asked to rate your leader’s 3 potential energy drainers.

What are energy drainers?

Out of the 24 strengths an individual will find strengths that energize them and find strengths that do not.

Energy drainers are the strengths that do not energize us and can undermine our performance.

For your leader, this is their lesser or non-strength and can be a genuine blocker to achieving success.

The definition for each potential energy drainer is provided in the box to guide you.

Rating leader habits

This section asks you to rate your leader’s effectiveness on a series of leader habit behaviours and asks you to recommend changes for improvement.

Your responses will need to be honest and instinctive.

Once you respond to a question, the screen will immediately proceed to the next question and you won’t be able to go back to change answers. So please make sure that you take your time to read the question before answering.

At the end, you’ll be asked to provide written feedback asking you to share a recommendation or idea and what you appreciate about them.

Once complete, you’ll come to a confirmation page to let you know that your feedback has been submitted.

Great! You’re now ready to click on the link to help your leader unleash their potential and thanks for helping.

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