How can I update my details?

Update your full name, email address and password for your StrengthsPortal account

Natasha avatar
Written by Natasha
Updated over a week ago

Your StrengthsPortal sign-in username is your email address. To access previous reports, you will need to sign in using the email address you used when you completed your assessment. If you need to change your sign-in email address due to situations such as changing workplace, you can follow the guidance below to update your email.

If you're able to sign into your StrengthsPortal account

If you are able to sign in using your previous email go to:

  1. Sign In ( and log in using your existing email and password.

  2. On your homepage, click on your name on the top right of the page

  3. Select MY DETAILS

  4. On this page you can amend your email address and password etc.

Once you have updated your details, you will be able to sign in using your updated email address and password.

If you have access to your existing email address but cannot remember your password

Reset your password here: Forgotten Password (

Then, follow the guidance above on 'If you're able to log into your StrengthsPortal account'.

If you cannot access your email address

If you cannot access your email address due to situations such as changing employers, please chat with us to ask us to update your details for you by clicking on the orange button on the bottom right of the page.

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