The Rater Invitation Email is automatically sent to nominated Raters (360 and Leader) immediately after the Respondent or Client Admin has added them. The email is also sent when the Resend Email button is clicked on the 360 Raters or Leader Raters tabs on Client Admin or if the Respondent triggers the reminders on their StrengthsPortal™ account.
Invitation from <respondent name>
Dear <rater first name>,
I have recently completed Strengthscope360™/ StrengthscopeLeader™, an online questionnaire to help me develop my strengths, reduce performance risks and improve my overall effectiveness.
Your feedback will be anonymised and will take a maximum of 10 minutes.
You can submit your feedback by following the link below:
Go to: <unique rater feedback link>
Please provide your feedback by <rater deadline date> so that it can be incorporated into my profile. Please note this is in the European date format (DD/MM/YYYY).
Thank you in advance,
<respondent first name>
⚠️ Note: If a deadline date has not been entered under the project settings, the deadline date will default to 30 days from when the respondent completed their assessment.