How can I erase my data?
If you have used Strengthscope® as an accredited Practitioner, Respondent or Rater and you would like your data erased, please email us at [email protected].
We will be able to process your request and advise you of the next steps.
Email template to use
Subject: Data Erasure Request
Hi there,
I would like to request the erasure of the data Strengthscope® hold about me.
I have had the following interaction with Strengthscope®:
<delete as appropriate>
As a respondent completing a Strengthscope® assessment
As rater, providing feedback for somebody I know
As a Strengthscope® practitioner who has completed the Strengthscope® accreditation
As a delegate who has either signed up or attended an event hosted by Strengthscope®
As an employee at Strengthscope®
As a candidate for a job vacancy at Strengthscope®
Something else: please provide context
My contact details are as follows:
Full name:
Email address: